Entering the Unknown: Full-Time Travel for One Year

Have you ever made a decision that had you SCARED? I mean scared because you had no idea what the outcome of your decisions would be. Scared because you knew that most people would not understand, and they wouldn’t be able to give you advice. Well, that is exactly how we felt when we made the decision to quit our jobs and travel the world for one year.

At the time of this post, we have yet to quit and leave. However, this post is a declaration to us and sort of a “No Turning Back Now” moment. We count on our readers to hold us accountable, and once we put something in the world it allows us to go for it even harder.

We made the decision to follow our dreams one year ago exactly, and since a year has gone by our feelings about the unknown have changed. Where there was once fear, now stands excitement. And although we still have so much to do to prepare for our journey, we get more and more anxious to leave as the days pass. Executing this plan requires a lot of preparation on our part. We must prepare financially, mentally, physically, and even spiritually. While some people may see this journey as a luxurious long-term break from reality. We see this trip as a chance to figure out who we are, and what TRULY makes us happy.

We decided to take this trip for many reasons, but one reason that’s really important to us is representation. There are so many couples who travel full-time, but MANY of them do not look like us. We are not represented well in this industry, and that’s truly a shame. I’ve done a year of research to prepare for this trip, and I have not found one black couple. I have so many questions about how to prepare as a woman of color, but there aren’t many people who have taken this journey. If I have questions, I'm sure there are others as well and I vow to document the good AND the ugly (hopefully there isn’t too much ugly) so that black couples after us can go in confidence. Black people are also worthy of the experience, and we are definitely worthy of happiness!

This post is far different from our usual uploads, it's more of a journal entry... However, I appreciate you for keeping us accountable and supporting us through whatever! Stay tuned for the upcoming journey!


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